Friday, May 6, 2022

Silent Treatment - Joel Osteen Joke

If you're like me, you love the Joel Osteen joke at the beginning of his sermons.

I for one, like that I now can listen to Joel Osteen's podcasts while I am dusting, doing general light housekeeping, or even painting.

Here is the most recent Joel Osteen joke I heard, for you:

"I heard about this husband and wife. 
They'd been arguing. 
Now, they were giving each other the silent treatment.
The man had to catch a flight early the next day.
He needed his wife to wake him up at 5 am the next morning.
Not wanting to break the silence, he just wrote a note and put it by the side of her bed that read, Please wake me up at 5.
The next morning, he woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning.
He was furious that he had missed his flight.
He went back in to find out why his wife didn't wake him and he noticed a little piece of paper by the side of his bed.
He opened it up, and it said Wake up it's 5."

Check your podcast player, and you can probably listen to Joel Osteen for free too.
What a great way to start your day. 

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